TOP Grant for Young Artists Recipients Ulster Youth Orchestra, Northern Ireland

4th 2000 Ulster Youth Orchestra, Northern Ireland

[ Selection Manager ] Edward Heath, International Advisor

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The Ulster Youth Orchestra was initiated by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland in 1993. It's aim is to enable young people from the whole of Northern Ireland to achieve their musical potential through the provision of the highest quality of tuition. The UYO brings together young musicians, aged 14 to 21 from all sections of the community, once a year for a 10-day summer course, and concerts. Members of the orchestra are selected by audition every year from the youth orchestras in the region. The UYO had not had the opportunity to perform in England since its inception. The grant enabled the UYO to make a concert/study tour to the mainland in 2001. They also performed as a part of the Festival of British Youth Orchestras in Glasgow.