TOP News The 33rd Praemium Imperiale Awards Ceremony

The 33rd Praemium Imperiale Awards Ceremony


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Princess celebrates laureates of 2022 Praemium Imperiale at ceremony in Tokyo

TOKYO: October 19, 2022 – Her Imperial Highness Princess Hitachi paid homage to the laurates of the 2022 Praemium Imperiale on behalf of His Imperial Highness Prince Hitachi, honorary patron of the Japan Art Association, at the Awards Ceremony held at the Meiji Kinenkan on October 19, 2022.

The ceremony began with opening remarks from Mr. Hisashi Hieda, Chairman of the Japan Art Association. This was followed by congratulatory speeches from International Advisors, Prof. Klaus-Dieter Lehmann (Germany), Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton (USA), Lord Patten of Barnes (UK), Mr. Lamberto Dini (Italy) and Mr. Serge Degallaix on behalf of Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin (France).

Princess Hitachi gave each laureate their medal, and the Trustees of the Japan Art Association presented them with their Testimonial Letters and the 15 million-yen Honorariums.

The 2022 laureates are Giulio Paolini, Painting (Italy); Ai Weiwei, Sculpture (China); Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA, Architecture (Japan); Krystian Zimerman, Music (Poland/Switzerland) and Wim Wenders (Germany).