TOP News Presentation Ceremony of the 32nd PRAEMIUM IMPERIALE

Presentation Ceremony of the 32nd PRAEMIUM IMPERIALE


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The annual Awards Ceremony in Tokyo, originally scheduled for October 2021, was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, presentation ceremonies were held in the Japanese Embassies or Consulate General of Japan in each laureate’s country of residence, with the Japanese Ambassador in each location presenting the commemorative medal and the testimonial letter. The ceremony for Mr. Yo-Yo Ma, who was visiting Tokyo for his performance, was held in Tokyo in the presence of Princess Hitachi. The chairman of the Japan Art Association presented the medal. The honorarium of 15 million yen was given to each of them.

October 18 : Sebastião Salgado (Painting), The Residence of Japanese Ambassador to France, Paris
October 19 : James Turrell (Sculpture), The Residence of Consul General of Japan in New York
October 29 : Yo-Yo Ma (Music), The Okura Tokyo
December 14 : Glenn Murcutt (Architecture), The Residence of Japanese Ambassador to Australia, Canberra